Amy Overfield

Vacation planner

Amy first joined the Magical Pursuits team as an intern helping both Rachel and Maria with whatever they needed. She continues to soak up their shared knowledge as she begins planning vacations for her friends and family. Growing up in Orlando, Amy has been visiting all of the local theme parks since she was little and enjoys seeing how much they have changed over the years. She has a passion for helping people and loves creating wonderful and memorable experiences for others to enjoy. When she isn’t planning vacations, Amy enjoys exploring Orlando with her friends and spending time outside with her dog Cooper!

Let’s Chat >>

Amy’s favorite things…

Favorite Destination…

Hollywood Studios

Favorite Park Snack….

Frozen Lemonade

Best Attraction…

Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure

Best Princess…


Your Vacation Planner Will:

  • Ensure your vacation is tailored to your specific wants and needs
  • Provide On-Demand Assistance
  • Give Expert recommendations
  • Create perfectly crafted itineraries
  • take care of the booking hassles